Sejahtera and Role of Universities in SDG
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In our third lesson of UNGS 1201, we learn about Sejahtera. What is sejahtera? Literally it means peace, harmony and prosperity or in malay, 'Aman dan Makmur', 'Senang dan Tenteram' or 'Terpelihara daripada bencana'.
Sejahtera is more associated with the practise of having
a balanced well being or even co-existing with common
shared values and prosperity. It is implied that the
achievement of quality of life that is both sustainable as
well as balanced is embodies in sejahtera as a way of
life. (By Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak)
We learn about IIUM Insan Sejahtera. It have 4 elements which are IIICE(Integrity, Internalisation, Islamisation, Comprehensive, Excellent), Falsafah Pendidikan Negara, Maqasid Syariah and Sustainable Development Goals. The objective is to humanising education and developing intellectuals, professionals and scholars of distinction by integrating quality of faith (iman), knowledge (ilm) and good character (akhlak) to serve as agents of comprehensive and balanced progress for sustainable development of Malaysia, the Muslim Ummah and the global population.
There are several Flagship Program that IIUM has made in order to promote the Insan Sejahtera. There are many projects under the IIUM Flagship Program that involved by various Kuliyyah and departments. Projects that my Kuliyyah (Kuliyyah of Engineering) lead is River of Live and IIUM Innovative Electric Coaster.
Due to this topic, me and my team carried out a research about Islamic Social Finance for B40 which is conducted by Institute of Islamic Banking and Finance (IIiBF) and helped by KENMS, KICT and KLM. We also had interviewed Associate Professor Dr. Romzi Rosman regarding this project because he is the head department of IIiBF and also the head leader of this project. We use email to contact him and we conclude all the information gained in our group assignment which is making a poster about IIUM Flagship that related to our previous group task on SDG. On our previous task, we choose No Poverty.
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